Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bargain Projects


I love bargains. They make me giddy. I love turning a bargain into something great. That makes me smile. So, here's a few projects I've got coming up that started out as bargains. . .

1. The cool old jar of buttons. I actually got them from my Grandmother. She was a little worried that there were some valuable buttons in the jar that might have diamonds in them. She can be assured that I didn't find any diamonds. There were a few rhinestones and several other fun, funky, vintage lovelies that will be perfect accessories to some bags and other items I'm working on.

2. A 10 cent pillowcase. 10 CENTS!!!!!!! I hadn't been to a yard sale in ages and came across this beauty with some incredible crochet work on the end. I'm going to give Grace Violet's tutorial for a pillowcase dress a try. No, the boys will not be wearing it. I'll either give it as a gift or do a giveaway with it.

3. The basket. Not for a project but was found at the same yard sale as the pillowcase for $2. Isn't it FAB?

4. Said basket is currently holding all of the projects I want to work on over the next few weeks. . .Kutter's name for his room, drapes for my office, a baby blanket. . . lots of good stuff. Stay tuned for my results!
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kelly said...

i love all of these. especially the buttons. i have a jar of buttons too.. but they aren't cool vintage-y buttons like yours.

Hannah Ashmore said...

i'm in love with grace violet's blog. she is so creative. i LOVE buttons. you can use them for so many things.

Lemon Annie said...

Thanks for visiting my Lemon Annie blog! I love your blog too! You are so creative!